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Women’s Calisthenics Competition
At the 2015 Fibo Fitness Expo in Germany they held an awesome womens calisthenics competition. Check it out!

Dominik Sky – Calisthenics Abs Video
Awesome video by Dominik Sky showing different ab exercises and progression depending on strength.

World Record Pull Up – 100lb Pack
Steven Proto just got official news that his 14 reps with 100 pound pack was accepted as a Guinness world record. The guy is a beast! To view the official record can click HERE
Weights to Calisthenics
We thought it would be cool to show everyone some of the most popular weight lifting exercises and what you can do to substitute them with calisthenics. Bench Press – Push Ups Rows – Australian Pull Ups Shoulder Press – Handstand Push Up Curls – Chin Ups Lying Tricep Extensions
What is Calisthenics?
Calisthenics is exercising with only your bodyweight as resistance. The beauty of calisthenics is that you do not need any fancy gym equipment or expensive gym memberships to reach your fitness goals. This type of workout is fantastic for all types of goals. Where it be strength, fat loss, muscle

Karo Swen – Pole Fitness Master
Really awesome video showing the strength and beauty of pole fitness.