20 Mar 2015

Back Lever

Grab the bar shoulder width apart and start to perform a Skin the Cat. Once your knees start to come through your arms, extend your legs completely straight. Making your body parallel with the ground. This is done for a static hold.

Calisthenics Revolution 0
20 Mar 2015

Front Lever Raises

This is a modified version of the Front Lever. Instead of holding the static position of the front lever, you instead raise into it and then lower down once you hit parallel. This is done for reps to start building strength to move on to the full front lever.

Calisthenics Revolution 0
20 Mar 2015

Front Lever

The front lever is a very advanced calisthenics movement. Your back is the primary muscles being used during this movement. Grab the bar shoulder width apart. Fully extend your arms and hang from the bar. Keeping your body straight as a board, lift up your body until it is parallel

Calisthenics Revolution 0
03 Mar 2015

1 Arm Chin Up/1 Arm Pull Up

Using two hands getting too easy? Try out the 1 Arm Pull Up or Chin Up! Underhand Grip= Chin Up Overhand Grip= Pull Up Same form as usual but you just use one arm to pull yourself up. This is a pretty advanced movement so only try this once you

Calisthenics Revolution 0
27 Feb 2015

Clapping Pull Up

The clapping pull up is a fun variation of a regular pullup. Perform the same form done in a regular pull up, however on the way up to the bar explode up and let go of the bar. When you let go clap your hands together and then grab the

Calisthenics Revolution 0